A Spaza Shop Job

Postapartheid South African music culture is one big cut and paste job.

Still from Spaza$hop Boyz's "Rehab Tony" music video.

Spot the references in this music video by Ollie Nhlabatsi for South African duo Spaza$hop Boyz. (We can think of some.) In a way, postapartheid South African music culture is one big cut and paste job where one buys and appropriates, like going into a spaza shop where you take stuff off a shelf, you go home and cook it together. Spaza$hop Boyz’ first video for their single ‘Rehab Tony’ clearly rips off Die Antwoord and Spoek Mathambo. Sometimes the recipe works.

Via Amakipkip.

Further Reading

Enter the Povo

Mozambique’s disputed elections triggered a deadly uprising, as citizens resisted Frelimo’s rule and exposed the cracks in neoliberal policies.