The existing order of things
As the South African ruling class wages a protracted war against the poor and working class, it grows comfortable with the idea that people have more or less accepted the status quo.
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As the South African ruling class wages a protracted war against the poor and working class, it grows comfortable with the idea that people have more or less accepted the status quo.
Anti-racism and political contagion from Save Darfur to Black Lives Matter.
The former Chief Justice of Kenya on why only a popular movement to defend the constitution can counter corruption and inequality.
Rather than addressing food scarcity, genetically modified crops may render African farmers and scientists more, not less, reliant on global markets.
The blitz on monuments signifies not the abandonment of history, but rather the rejection of a narrative of modernity created by the heirs of global plunder.
Plutôt que de pallier l’insécurité alimentaire, les cultures génétiquement modifiées risquent de rendre les agriculteurs et les scientifiques africains plus, et non moins, dépendants des marchés mondiaux.
Western media coverage of Ethiopia’s political crisis turns a blind eye to the grassroots movement behind the protests.
In this, the first of a series of posts, we critically look at the implications of climate policy in the most powerful Western country for Africans.
In Kenya, only the rich and politically connected can afford decent healthcare. Everyone else is a major illness or a road accident away from ruin.
How Rwandan history is told—and who does the telling—is important as it determines who is able to participate in conversations about the past.
Once African and Asian leaders looked towards each other for guidance. What possibilities can a renewed cross-continental solidarity offer?
Ubinafsishaji wa huduma ya afya nchini Kenya.
Chelsea Stieber and Christopher McMichael talk the growth of right-wing nationalist movements and their ideological roots on AIAC Talk.
In the first part of a two-part post, the author challenges conventional progressive approaches to “race,” finding them to be untenable with non-racialism.
The anti-Black Lives Matter backlash in South Africa highlights the growing ideological convergence between the far right and conservatives.
The Nigerian drama 'Òlòtūré,' about sex work and sex trafficking in the country’s commercial capital, which premiered on Netflix, is mostly uncomfortable. And not in a good way.