Journalism in Africa: Who’s Telling Our Story?

Friday, February 18, 2011
New York University
Puck Building, 295 Lafayette Street
Rudin Conference Room

At 5.30pm.

Nassirou Diallo (Committee to Protect Journalists), Ebba Kalondo (Media Institute of Southern Africa), Noel King (The Takeaway, WNYC), Shamira Muhammad (NYU Global Journalism ‘11), Femi Oke (The Takeaway, WNYC), Brooke Silva (Earthchild Production).

Cosponsored by: NYU Africa House and NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute

Via Din Clarke.

Further Reading

Enter the Povo

Mozambique’s disputed elections triggered a deadly uprising, as citizens resisted Frelimo’s rule and exposed the cracks in neoliberal policies.