New route for old exploitation
A US-backed infrastructure project in the DRC is framed as development, but history suggests it’s just another pipeline for foreign powers to profit from Congo’s riches.
A US-backed infrastructure project in the DRC is framed as development, but history suggests it’s just another pipeline for foreign powers to profit from Congo’s riches.
A aproximação do presidente angolano com as nações ocidentais não ocorre no vácuo, nem deveria ser surpreendente.
The Angolan president’s overture to the West isn't happening in a vacuum, nor should it be surprising.
A solidariedade socialista na Angola e Moçambique pós-coloniais tornou as pessoas queer invisíveis. Revisitar esse apagamento nos ajuda a reinventar a libertação de forma legítima.
Socialist solidarity in postcolonial Angola and Mozambique rendered queer people invisible. Revisiting this erasure helps us imagine liberation anew.
Press freedom under President João Lourenço is in bad shape.
A precariedade da liberdade de imprensa em Angola sob o mandato do presidente João Lourenço.
How the Palancas Negras won the hearts of Angolan football fans.
Henry Kissinger was convinced that Africans were incapable of responsible government—so he fought against the national liberation movements fighting for independence.
In 1975, seeing how a communist victory in Angola’s civil war would boost the morale of Vietnamese freedom fighters, Henry Kissinger wanted to plan a covert operation against the MPLA.
A new film by Ery Claver probes the fraught relationship between China and Angola, revealing their differences—and surprising similarities.
Um novo filme de Ery Claver investiga a tensa relação entre China e Angola, revelando suas diferenças—e surpreendentes semelhanças.
Faced with many crises, including unemployment and a rising cost of living, Angolans are turning to memes to express their political discontent.
A Netflix series about Queen Njinga, one of Africa’s most historically significant rulers, should be cause for much celebration. But the resulting production largely disregarded what Angolans themselves think of their country’s history and culture.
Uma série da Netflix sobre a Rainha Njinga, uma das governantes historicamente mais importantes da África, deve ser motivo de muita comemoração. Mas a produção resultante desconsiderou amplamente o que os próprios angolanos pensam sobre a história e a cultura de seu país.
Academics in Angola’s public universities are on strike. But instead of only being concerned with the decay of higher education, they are connecting with the struggles of Angola’s working class.
Is a Facebook-led social media movement enough to change a country? The case of Angola.
The specter of Angola's 1992 elections continues to impact the country's democratic process.
The funeral of popular Angolan musician Nagrelha underscored his capacity to mobilize people and it reminds us that popular culture offers a kind of Rorschach test for the body politic.
The death of Paulo Lara warrants an appreciation of his and his family’s contribution to preserving the documented history of Angola’s liberation struggle.