Marketplace of failure
South Africa’s pivot to electricity markets will be socially regressive, whether green or not.
South Africa’s pivot to electricity markets will be socially regressive, whether green or not.
In 1991, acclaimed South African artist Helen Sebidi’s artworks were presumed stolen in Sweden. Three decades later, a caretaker at the residential college where they disappeared found them in a ceiling cupboard, still in their original packaging.
A new biography of former apartheid homeland leader Lucas Mangope struggles to do more than arrange the actions of its subject into a neat chronology.
In 1973, Josie Fanon interviewed then-ANC president Oliver Tambo about Israel and apartheid South Africa. Originally printed in French, it is now available in English for the first time.
En 1973, Josie Fanon a interviewé Oliver Tambo, alors président de l’ANC, à propos d’Israël et de l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud. Il est désormais disponible pour la première fois depuis sa publication originale.
Given his track record of sowing division and making empty promises, South Africans should be wary of treating its new Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture as a lovable buffoon.
In South Africa, a popular beauty contest is revealing the specter of ultranationalism and anti-blackness.
The theft dispute between Onezwa Mbola and Nara Smith reveals the consumerist undertones behind content for women in the online creative economy.
A docuseries about the Springbok rugby team invites us to examine the enduring legacy of Rainbowism in South Africa.
Jazz bassist Benjamin Jeptha’s latest project interrogates the meaning of Creole identity in South Africa, thirty years after the end of white-minority rule.
The musician Mac McKenzie, who passed away in April 2024, helped pioneer a sound that captured the Mother City’s Creole heritage.
Some progressive economists argue that a bigger budget deficit is the solution to the country’s socio-economic woes. But it isn’t that straightforward.
Após perder a maioria parlamentar pela primeira vez, o Congresso Nacional Africano da África do Sul está se esforçando para formar um governo de coalizão. Suas opções são sombrias.
After losing its parliamentary majority for the first time, the African National Congress is scrambling to form a coalition government. The options are bleak.
In 1985, black students at the University of Houston led a campaign for divestment from apartheid South Africa.
The Just Us Under A Tree podcast returns to analyze all the legal drama building up to South Africa’s general election.
In 'Revolutionaries’ House,' Nthikeng Mohlele explores the moral decay within South African politics through a disaffected politician tortured by his personal indiscretions.
What an amapiano song tells us about post-apartheid South Africa.
Christian theology was appropriated to play an integral role in the justifying apartheid’s racist ideology. Black theologians resisted through a theology of the oppressed.
South Africa, thirty-years after 1994.