Ghana’s moral panic
Enough of the ignorance: LGBT+ rights are Ghanaian and human rights, not an attempt by Westerners to impose their values or culture.
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Enough of the ignorance: LGBT+ rights are Ghanaian and human rights, not an attempt by Westerners to impose their values or culture.
Student militancy has revived in Burkinabè public universities over the past decade. Now, a student movement could slowly transform society.
Is the future of podcasting a show featuring isiZulu retellings of 19th-century African life combined with an original soundscape composed with a revolutionary ethos?
#FeesMustFall was the most serious challenge to the post-apartheid political order, but didn’t connect to broader working-class struggles. Now, despite police brutality, students are beginning to make those linkages.
As we remember the Arab Spring, the starting point should not be that it failed, but that it’s incomplete. Watch it live on Youtube and subscribe to our Patreon for the archive.
Corruption is South Africa’s pandemic—one that has been disenfranchising and killing people long before our transition to democracy.
Tracing the digital contours of the settler colony helps us understand how old inequalities will shape a future with artificial intelligence.
This week on AIAC Talk, we’re debating whether the moment is right for South Africa’s left to form a new party. Watch it live on YouTube.
An encounter on a Cape Town bus forces the writer to think about religion, especially Christianity, and queerness.
Facebook and its “family” of services are a one-way street towards greater integration, data exploitation, and erosions of privacy by an increasingly monopolistic company.
Why is Nairobi's government terrorizing hawkers and hustlers around the city? An anthropological perspective.
Mahmood Mamdani’s new book asks how communities that have been enemies can heal. But does it succeed?
French psychiatry in West Africa saw Black bodies as “alien” to white ones. It hasn't changed much.
In the Nigerian film 'La Femme Anjola,' which delights with brilliant performances, no one is exactly who they seem.
Music’s ingratiating moral mask has withered, revealing a disfigured face whose true ethical philosophy is, as Lauryn Hill once noted, “paper thin.”
Land reform should focus on justice and social transformation, not on creating a new class of black commercial farm owners.