We too are culpable
Israel’s impugnity in Gaza and the West Bank is enabled not only by its backers in the West, but by the widespread indifference of large parts of society.
Israel’s impugnity in Gaza and the West Bank is enabled not only by its backers in the West, but by the widespread indifference of large parts of society.
Access to water in Nairobi is horribly unequal. The World Bank, Nairobi Water Company, and development economists exploited this unjust context to treat poor Kenyans like guinea pigs.
The return of Belgian-Congolese multitalent Baloji is nothing short of remarkable, with his latest output offering a fourfold album, an immersive exhibition, and most notably, a captivating magic realistic film.
The successes of elite Kenyan athletes should not distract from the ways ordinary Kenyans are using it to make meaning for themselves.
Telling one's story as a black queer person isn't yet the luxury it is chalked out to be, especially when it remains dangerous to be queer in the world.
Imagining and demanding the decolonization of Palestine means acting to decolonize all the colonial states in the world, from Brazil to Australia, including the USA and Chile.
A new HBO documentary exposes the harm caused by unqualified aid workers in Uganda, but its attempts to complicate the narrative ultimately fall flat.
One cannot fully appreciate Kenya’s normative Christianity and its particular obsession with public piety without appreciating the legacy of the East African revival.
If slavery is the material and metaphysical womb of the modern world, reparations will require nothing less than the end of this world.
What does the history of South Africa’s power utility, Eskom, tell us about the apartheid and post-apartheid state?
South Africans have to demand an academic boycott of Israel, in the same way much of the Global South boycotted apartheid South Africa’s universities.
American universities are trying to silence anyone who speaks up against Israel’s occupation and bombardment of Gaza.