Reading the present as history
In his debut novel, Thaer Husien remixes genre and takes readers on a psychedelic ride through a dystopian yet disturbingly familiar future Palestine.
In his debut novel, Thaer Husien remixes genre and takes readers on a psychedelic ride through a dystopian yet disturbingly familiar future Palestine.
Despite South Africa’s ban on arms exports to Israel and its condemnation of Israel’s actions in Palestine, local arms companies continue to send weapons to Israel’s allies and its major arms suppliers.
The debacle around Ta-Nehisi Coates' latest book shows us that no matter a writer's individual acclaim, the liberal media establishment will never tolerate anything that fundamentally challenges its racist edifice.
Without an immediate halt to US arms to Israel, it’s hard to see why Israel should stop slaughtering civilians in Gaza and Lebanon.
In 1973, Josie Fanon interviewed then-ANC president Oliver Tambo about Israel and apartheid South Africa. Originally printed in French, it is now available in English for the first time.
En 1973, Josie Fanon a interviewé Oliver Tambo, alors président de l’ANC, à propos d’Israël et de l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud. Il est désormais disponible pour la première fois depuis sa publication originale.
What would Fanon say about the ongoing genocide in Palestine?
Although Lula da Silva called Israel’s war against Palestinians a genocide, the Brazilian president is yet to follow that up with concrete action.
Embora Lula da Silva tenha chamado a guerra de Israel contra os palestinos de genocídio, o presidente brasileiro deve avançar em ações concretas para enfrentá-lo.
There is a particular historical pattern of colonial settler genocide that links Africa to Palestine.
Reflections on the 16th edition of the Sharjah Art Foundation’s annual March meeting.
Da Namíbia até a Armênia, e de Ruanda à Bósnia, os perpetradores de assassinato em massa afirmam estar agindo em legítima defesa.
From Namibia to Armenia, and from Rwanda to Bosnia, the perpetrators of mass murder said they were acting in self-defense.
We are failing every day to force a ceasefire and stop the genocide. But failure is not an option. We must refocus this moment.
We need to envisage a future where colonial privileges between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean sea are completely dismantled.
The failure of South African universities to call out Israel’s genocide challenges the assumption that South Africans have a deep appreciation of injustice in Palestine given their similar experiences under apartheid.
When the the Palestinian Men’s National Team played an exhibition match in Cape Town, South Africa, it might as well have been a home game.
Stripped of its veneer of nuance, Noah Feldman’s essay in 'Time' is another attempt to silence opponents of the Israeli state by smearing them as anti-Jewish racists.
South African writer, publisher and curator Zukiswa Wanner explains why she is surrendering her 2020 Goethe Medaille.
South Africa’s Wits University likes to vaunt its anti-apartheid credentials. So why is it cozy with Israel and Zionism?