Here is our weekend round up of audio and visuals from around the African Internet…

Kicking things off, Spoek Mathambo spearheaded band Fantasma premiered their video for Cat and Mouse this week, featuring a collection of young South African ballet dancers.

Alabama neo-trap poster boys Rae Sremmurd saw Fantasma’s video, and decided to head to South Africa for their latest as well. Some over here at Africa is a Country think they’ve spotted a Sean Jacobs doppelgänger.

The Alkebulan project is a series of EPs accompanied by a series of short stories from prominent African artists. They released the first video from the project this week.

Cape Town weirdo rappers DOODVENOOTSKAP jump in-to the Internet and dance around a bit in their video for “Protein Shake”.

13 year-old Kudurista Buriana of Cabo Snoop’s Power House crew brings us the video for “Pica malembe”.

Bebeto Bongo takes us to Burkina Faso and teaches us the Zoungou Zoungou dance.

Ghana and Nigerian dancehall link up on Shatta Wale and PatoRanking’s “Romantic”.

In honor of Afropop’s Hip Deep special this week on Afro-Peruvian music and culture, here is Susana Baca’s classic “Maria Lando” (Lando), live in Buenos Aires.

Nigerian singer Asa launched the visuals for Eyo last week. Here it is for you to enjoy today!

When Bono’s not getting run over on American television, he is promoting an end to poverty through his One organization. Here they assemble an All Star cast of African women performers for their “Strong Girl” campaign.

Further Reading

Not only kafala

Domestic workers in the Gulf typically face a double bind: as a foreign worker, you are governed by kafala laws, while as a female, you are governed by the male guardianship system.

Edson in Accra

It happened in 1969. But just how did he world’s greatest, richest and most sought-after footballer at the time, end up in Ghana?

The dreamer

As Africa’s first filmmakers made their unique steps in Africanizing cinema, few were as bold as Djibril Diop Mambéty who employed cinema to service his dreams.