Authoritarian India in retreat?
The BJP’s surprise underperformance in India’s general elections is a setback for the global right.
The BJP’s surprise underperformance in India’s general elections is a setback for the global right.
La Côte d’Ivoire peut-elle devenir un havre de paix pour les communautés LGBTQI+ en Afrique de l’Ouest?
Could Côte d’Ivoire one day become a safe haven for LGBTQI+ communities in West Africa?
After losing its parliamentary majority for the first time, the African National Congress is scrambling to form a coalition government. The options are bleak.
The Nigerian Scam podcast returns to discuss the rise and fall of Nigeria’s anti-corruption movement.
Although Lula da Silva called Israel’s war against Palestinians a genocide, the Brazilian president is yet to follow that up with concrete action.
Embora Lula da Silva tenha chamado a guerra de Israel contra os palestinos de genocídio, o presidente brasileiro deve avançar em ações concretas para enfrentá-lo.
Women in Sudan have gone from being state subjects to war spoils.
In 1985, black students at the University of Houston led a campaign for divestment from apartheid South Africa.
The Just Us Under A Tree podcast returns to analyze all the legal drama building up to South Africa’s general election.
There is a particular historical pattern of colonial settler genocide that links Africa to Palestine.
In India, popular movements, not elections, will bring transformative change.
The challenge for the new Senegalese government is how to translate promises into policy.
As catastrophe unfolds in Sudan, most of the world continues to turn a blind eye.
The arrival of mass rapid transit in the city offers a new metaphor for Nigeria’s social stratification.
In Sudan, the focus must remain on supporting the Sudanese people’s aspirations for peace, stability, and democratic governance.
In North Africa, religion is being used to spread political and cultural influence.
Le gouvernement du plus jeune président de l'histoire du Sénégal semble déjà incarner une vision rétrograde des femmes.
The government of the youngest president in Senegal’s history already seems to embody retrograde views about women.
Da Namíbia até a Armênia, e de Ruanda à Bósnia, os perpetradores de assassinato em massa afirmam estar agindo em legítima defesa.