Dreaming of the green blanket
The impact of the Marikana massacre on South Africa’s student movement for free education, and an end to outsourcing, has been overlooked.
The impact of the Marikana massacre on South Africa’s student movement for free education, and an end to outsourcing, has been overlooked.
How do we deal with the unfinished business of the past? Cape Town has a surprisingly poetic answer.
After the reawakening of South African student activism, what next? It is at the point of the rub between race, class and gender politics that the difficult questions present themselves.
The Rhodes Must Fall movement is starting a much-needed conversation about the institutional roots of racism at universities in the West. Hopefully that conversation will lead to solutions.
What to do with the universities South Africa inherited from the violences of Apartheid.
To bear witness to the cacophony of Rhodes Must Fall, as though trying to recall the days of a revolution I was born too late to witness.
The Life and Times of Mr Peter Buckton, a worker at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
Historic moments get a lot of phone camera coverage these days, but I wondered if radio
In the last two weeks, students belonging to the #RhodesMustFall collective have rechristened and remade of
J.M. Coetzee wondered in the late 1980s what price white South Africans are willing to pay for fraternity with Black South Africans.
By studying the actions of his British South Africa Company (BSAC) in present day Zambia, starting about 1890, the answer is an emphatic: No.
One of the most scandalous statistics at the University of Cape Town: only 3% of academic staff are black, and only two full professors are black in the faculty of Humanities.
Africa is a Radio Season 2 is here! In our inaugural episode, we have added two