To fight unemployment we have to fight capitalism
Three activists from the Assembly of the Unemployed talk to us about the challenges facing working-class communities in South Africa.
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Three activists from the Assembly of the Unemployed talk to us about the challenges facing working-class communities in South Africa.
What lessons can we learn for today from the 2008-09 cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe?
This crisis has further emphasized the neglect of Kenya’s poor by the government, and is therefore “a wake up call that we are on our own.”
Nelson Mandela's life teaches us that being quarantined is not the end of politics, but for the regeneration of politics.
African health workers ask for decent work and a strong, public health care system—not applause.
On the other side of the pandemic, we must strengthen and build strong working-class movements to challenge imperialism and neocolonialism.
The make-believe consensus built around local government elections continues as always to ignore the views and expectations of Angolans. But the people are organizing.
O consenso aparente construído pelo regime em torno das eleições autárquicas continua, como sempre, a ignorar as opiniões e expectativas dos angolanos. Mas a juventude angolana está a mobilizar-se.
The death of the Zulu king highlights the unresolved issues that continue to shapes lives in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa.
Ordinary working-class people have been forced to the belief that there can never actually be real solutions; stripped of the confidence that fundamental change can happen.
Climate negotiations have repeatedly floundered on the unwillingness of rich countries, but let's hope their own increasing vulnerability instills greater solidarity.
Who will watch the police and the army in South Africa as they act on behalf of the state to enforce COVID-19 regulations.
In South Africa, social distancing to bring down COVID-19 infections takes a decidedly local shape. In a racialized society, it manifests primarily as white melancholia and black Afro-pessimism.
The misguided rhetoric of Tanzanian President John Magufuli guides the country's response to COVID-19.
How race came to function as fuel to an exploitative economic system. Take the case of South Africa.
COVID-19 has been a blessing to the ruling classes in Algeria. However, the popular Hirak movement has not said its last word yet.