

Snake Oil

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKOwDQcPwbs Selling desperate people false hope, especially AIDS patients, are common on the African continent–well documented

'Shaka Zulu'

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikxZvvETnPE Not sure what to make of the video. The video was filmed “in Africa.” Kage

Film Critic

The 1985 Arnold Schwarzenegger action flick “Commando” is narrated–“shot for shot”–by a 9-year old Tanzanian boy. (The

Swahili Cipher

African Hip Hop has been the number one hop site and radio show about hip hop culture on the continent for a few years. 

'5 Networks that Matter in East Africa'

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGiLEEX5OuQ&feature=player_embedded&w=500&h=307&rel=] Rakesh Rajani, the head of Tanzanian “citizen-centered initiative”, Twaweza, on the “five key networks that

Viva Tanzania

For all the gross, lurid news stories or the films you see about fatal  violence against,