Endless war in Somalia
Somalis have enough to worry about. The last thing they need is more war, especially one sponsored by the United States’ War on Terror.
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Samar Al-Bulushi was a contributing editor of Africa Is a Country and is on the faculty of University of California, Irvine.
Somalis have enough to worry about. The last thing they need is more war, especially one sponsored by the United States’ War on Terror.
African states are involved in the War on Terror more than we think. They’re surrounded by an eco-system of the war industry.
Delegates to ‘Global Africa’ at Oxford University write about how Zionists and their apologists target the academy.
There is considerably less sustained outcry on social media about African life in relation to ongoing forms of structural violence that may be more mundane but just as deadly.
The possibilities and limitations of the ICC to contribute to our collective struggles and how we conceive of justice itself.
The government is using the refugee population as red meat in local politics and a bargaining chip for more international aid.
The reactions to the Westgate Mall attacks in Nairobi makes clear the differentiation between human lives that are worthy of grief, and those that are not.