The limits of the idea of “alternative Africas”
How much energy should we invest in counterfactuals like: What if a diminished Europe, devastated by a plague, did not produce colonial powers, how might Africa’s history have unfolded?
3 Articles by:
Laura Mitchell is the author of 'Belongings: property, family, and identity in colonial South Africa" (Columbia, 2008).
How much energy should we invest in counterfactuals like: What if a diminished Europe, devastated by a plague, did not produce colonial powers, how might Africa’s history have unfolded?
History professsor Laura Mitchell developed this interactive map for her students for a map quiz and for the rest of us dispel the notion that Africa is a country. Go on, do the exercise.
The global financial crisis is real, and its consequences are grave. It should not, however, be the reason for a US government to retreat from global engagement, especially education exchanges.