Kuduro’s International Wave
If Os Kuduristas is problematic, there’s no one to blame for its existence but perhaps us, the international community and the media.
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Boima Tucker is a musician and writer. He is the director of operations at Africa Is a Country and co-founder of the Kondi Band.
If Os Kuduristas is problematic, there’s no one to blame for its existence but perhaps us, the international community and the media.
How is it like to be talented, have dreams and be young in Sierra Leone and what kinds of support exist to get you to the next level. Kelvin Doe’s story is a good case study.
The thumb piano has made somewhat of a resurgence in contemporary pop music partly because of the international stardom of groups like Konono N˚1.
What are the cultural implications of the success of individual African artists in particularly U.S. mainstream media and award shows?
Thinking about ways that Africa is represented by NGO’s and other international organizations.
The popular Kudurista, Titica, is one of the the top stars of this growing Angolan dance music form.