Race Science Files: New York Times edition
Just what level of racist insanity does an “expert” have to exhibit before the New York Times starts to think they’re not an expert?
4 Articles by:
Jessica Blatt is on the faculty of Marymount Manhattan College in New York City and author of 'Race and the Making of American Political Science.'
Just what level of racist insanity does an “expert” have to exhibit before the New York Times starts to think they’re not an expert?
Amy Chua’s racist nonsense about “model minorities,” peddling the lie that elites are on top because they’re better.
Hollywood films about Nelson Mandela separates him from the movement that produced him. The fact is, movements made Mandelas, not the other way around.
There is something out there that we can identify as “really” European or “really” African, is essentially what the ancestry testing industry is selling.