
78 Articles by:

Dan Moshenberg

Dan Moshenberg founded Women In and Beyond the Global, a open access feminist forum.


No room for ambiguity

Kenyan activists raise their voices, placards and fists over US$500 million allocated but not yet spent for anti-retroviral medications. That’s a lot of money, drugs, and lost lives.

Uganda, now you have touched the women

In October 2011, the Ugandan government sent Ingrid Turinawe to the infamous Luzira Prison--Uganda’s Guantánamo--for the treasonable act of walking to work. This week, the State, again, attacked Turinawe and other women activists for the “crime” of standing, speaking out, driving, and generally being. Big mistake.

Joyce Banda is President of Malawi

In her first order of business since being inaugurated as Malawi’s new president on Saturday, Joyce Banda fired the country’s top policeman. No reason was given for the firing, but the BBC reports that the police chief, Peter Mukhito, was in charge last year during anti-government protests over the worsening economy.

What’s wrong with abortion

The war on women’s health in the United States is a war without borders. It also extends to attempts in Africa to legalize abortion. And the US Republican party and its auxiliaries are in front.