Cape Town hip-hop got interesting again
The difference between Isaac Mutant and Die Antwoord is that Mutant is the real deal.
The difference between Isaac Mutant and Die Antwoord is that Mutant is the real deal.
Die Antwoord play the media game well. What they still do badly is "borrowing" from other people's work.
How meanings, symbolism, and narratives of “other” places and products shift when contextualized within and against South Africa.
How long will be tolerate South African rappers, Die Antwoord's racist and homophobic antics?
Spoek Mathambo's whole oeuvre seems to point towards finding a new conversation.
Die Antwoord's magnetism (or repulsion) lies in the way they combine clichés about race with those of gender and sexuality.
Die Antwoord is basically blackface. But blackface is also tricky, argues poet and writer Rustum Kozain.