What’s happening in South Africa?

After unrest in July and municipal elections in November, it's clear South Africa is in the midst of a serious social, economic and political crisis. What are the roots of it? Listen to this episode of AIAC Talk to find out.

Photo by Pawel Janiak on Unsplash

The arrest in July of former president Jacob Zuma in connection with an investigation into widespread corruption sparked an eruption of unrest and violence, mainly in the province of his base, KwaZulu-Natal. Yet the upheaval reflects a broader crisis underpinned by the failures of the African National Congress (ANC) to deliver on the hopes of national liberation, and the neo-liberalization and contradictions of the ANC in power. Soaring levels of unemployment and inequality have been exacerbated by the pandemic and government austerity policies, and in November, municipal election results (where the ANC and official opposition Democratic Alliance under-performed) confirmed widespread discontent.

In this conversation hosted by Africa Is a Country, Haymarket Books, Internationalism From Below, and Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE), AIAC founder and editor Sean Jacobs and staff writer William Shoki spoke to Lee Wengraf (contributing editor at ROAPE) about the roots of South Africa’s political crisis.

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Further Reading