
46 Articles by:

Elliot Ross

Elliot Ross was a member of the editorial board of Africa is a Country.


African Men

The video, “African Men. Hollywood Stereotypes,” made by an American NGO, is part of the “Brand Africa” discourse that’s all the rage now.

A miserable fraud

The power to choose on social media who is to be the next target of America’s moral manhunt, all with the benediction of a panel of biddable celebrities.

Super Bowl Predictions

The only way to sustain interest in the lives of African and African American NFL players is to either talk about their personal tragedy or show how moved they are by the plight of other black people.

Pizza Aid

What happens when humanitarian agencies ditch the tried-and-trusted fundraising method of splashing disaster porn across screens and news pages?

An African in the Arctic

One of the key Greenpeace activists making an assault on oil drilling in Greenland is a political activist who was regularly arrested by South African police under apartheid.